Graduate Day-1 Skills

About these skills

The Graduate Day-1 Skills are a set of educational performance standards that outline minimum criteria that must be achieved in order for learners to graduate. They aim to ensure that newly qualified veterinary nurses have been assessed on these minimum criteria within their educational programmes of study, so that as graduates they are safe and competent to practice on day-one of employment.

Graduate Day-1 Skills for Companion Animal Veterinary Nursing (diploma level 6)

Planned date of next review: October 2023

Day 1 Competencies

About these competencies

The Graduate Day-1 Competences are a set of educational performance standards that outline minimum criteria that must be achieved in order for learners to graduate. They aim to ensure that newly qualified veterinary nurses have been assessed on these minimum criteria within their educational programmes of study, so that as graduates they are safe and competent to practice on day-one of employment.

A new veterinary nurse who has achieved these graduate competences should be capable and confident enough to practice veterinary nursing at a primary care level on their own, under direction from a veterinary surgeon, whilst also knowing when it is appropriate to refer the care to more experienced colleagues. New graduates are likely to need more time to perform some functions, and therefore support and direction from more senior colleagues should always be available.

Educational standards such as the Graduate Day-1 Competencies help provide detail to support consistent delivery of graduate outcomes in the qualification so that industry can be assured that graduates are meeting an agreed industry standard.

Graduate Day - 1 Competencies for Companion Animal Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Day - 1 Competencies for Rural Animal Veterinary Technology

Planned date of next review: October 2023.


If you have feedback on these skills and competencies, you can submit a comment using the form below. We will add your comment to the feedback for the next review. We will not be replying to feedback suggestions so please contact us on if you require a response.